Eric Holder Urges Spying on Neighbors


I remember the sixties, back when the national mood demonized the North Vietnamese for their use of torture, and the USSR for their campaigns of neighbor spying against neighbor. Here we are fifty years later engaging in, and advocating the very same sins.

On Tuesday November 29, 2011 the Attorney General of the United States of America has instructed ordinary Americans to report their neighbors to the federal government through internet web sites for the crime of downloading a song off the internet. Holder would have members of the 99% turn on each other for the benefit of the 1%. Intellectual Property holders seeking to protect their property are usually of the large multi-national sort like Disney, the record companies, and Hollywood entertainment giants. The “theft” of a single song, so endangers these 1% behemoths that our government now supports neighbor turning against neighbor with multiple web sites that promote what was in the sixties a godless act.

The New National Paradigm:
Guilty Until Proven Guilty

Not only do the para-militarized police act as if Americans are guilty before even being charged with a crime, our neighbors should do the same. Turn in the kid down the street listening to to his IPad or MP3 player. S/He must of downloaded that music off the ialignternet – illegally – right. Oh, and her/his parents aren’t really our type of Americans anyway. Turn ’em in; lock ’em up; throw away the key.

Eric Holder, the Attorney General of the United States of America wants American to turn against American, all in the name of protecting the intellectual property rights of the 1%. Were Americans to follow this direction, we would destroy our neighborhoods, our schools, and our churches. Suspicion would rule our communities. Bullying and threats would skyrocket. The governments tyranny against its people would move toward the absolute.